How to Choose a Reliable Background Screening Service

How to Choose a Reliable Background Screening Service

Every employer appreciates the importance of requesting an employee background check and the critical role it plays in making hiring decisions. Another factor to consider is the background screening service you are relying upon to get you this crucial information about an applicant. Understanding the type of data you’re purchasing and the source you are trusting to research it has a significant impact on your decision-making process.

Whether you choose to run a credit check or a complex federal screening, knowing which service provider to rely on can be difficult. Consider some of the below products and services that a reputable background screening company provides for its clients.

Discover What Background Screening Service Solution is Available

When comparing the types of background screening service providers available, you may notice that there are two primary options you can choose from Full-service and Do-It-Yourself.

Full-service Background Screening Companies

Full-service providers like Pre-employ take over the entire investigation on your behalf. This includes conducting an in-depth review of criminal, education, credit, and employment histories of the candidate you submit for a background check. Background screening services also will make sure that the applicant is fully aware of the request and obtains their consent before performing a pre-employment screening. 

Another important feature of dedicated background check service providers is their strict compliance with any law or industry regulation that may have jurisdiction over the type of search you request. This means that they will be compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and ensure that you receive the most thorough information for your hiring decisions. Even better, if you make an adverse hiring choice, these companies will walk you through the process to do so. The majority of companies providing full-service background screening services will also use an online portal or provide you with their own proprietary software to create a more secure environment for handling this sensitive data.

Do-It-Yourself Apps and Websites

Websites that offer instant name-based searches are a method some employers use, but the data is fragmented and sloppily built into a report. Accuracy and completeness of the information about an applicant are not guaranteed because of this, and using details from this haphazard type of reporting could open your company up to a negligent hiring suit, or worse.

Another issue is compliance with the FCRA. This is a requirement for companies providing background screening services, and a DIY website may be giving you information that is not only inaccurate but outdated. 

Additional Criteria for Choosing a Background Screening Service

Now that you understand the profound difference between full-service background screening services and cheap name search sites, you can consider more important factors before choosing your provider.

Are They Industry and Legal Compliant?

Mistakes are costly in the world of business, none as much as compliance violations. When choosing a full-service company, you must be sure they are compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Illegally performing pre-employment background checks come with serious consequences, and how you use the information also has legal implications. Pre-employ has made sure all of its research specialists are FCRA certified kept current on industry regulations to ensure your inquiries are legal.

What Types Background Screening Services Do they Provide?

Employee background checks a company provides may differ slightly from its competitors, but find out what other services they offer. A top-notch full-service company will not only investigate criminal history on your behalf, but they should also be able to provide drug tests, education verification, and even I-9 compliance guidance.

Does Their Pricing Have Transparent Terms?

While this should not be a primary factor for choosing a background screening service provider, knowing exactly what you would be paying them for is critical. Companies should be crystal clear about their pricing tiers, and some may even offer special payment options depending on the type of package you customize for your needs. Regardless, make sure you get detailed estimates so you can see how pricing is allocated and the level of research and results you can expect to receive.

Are Their Turnaround Times Reasonable?

Depending on the size of the background screening service and the tools they use can play a large role in how quickly you will get needed answers to make your hiring decisions. If you are in a competitive industry, extended wait periods for results can narrow your talent pool dramatically. Working with a company like Pre-employ will not only improve your workflow because of the technology we use to swiftly conduct employee background checks, but you will eliminate bottlenecks caused by waiting on this information.

Do They Offer Advanced Technological Solutions that You Can Integrate?

Saying this is the age of information is an understatement. With the power of databases and internet access, any background screening service worth its salt will provide some form of advanced software or online portal for their clients. This provides a centralized location to manage and track current searches waiting on results, as well as provide easy access to a strong customer service network.

Bring Your Company to the Future of Background Screening Services

Some of the top reasons your company should choose a background screening service includes quick turnarounds, reliability, and improving productivity. Pre-employ helps your business achieve this with our advanced technological pre-employment screening tools and automated software suite. We simplify the processes involved with criminal record searches and identity verification with our proprietary cloud-based software suite that centralizes your experience into one, easily accessible location. 

Paired with our award-winning US-based customer service, you can trust our FCRA-certified experts to provide crucial guidance every step of the way. We do this so that your company is always compliant with local, state, and federal law. This unwavering focus we take on behalf of our clients is the reason Pre-employ is a top background screening service provider in the United States today. 

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